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Home > Uncategorized > Enter to win a $1,000,000 Luxury Yerushalayim Apartment! Limited: Double Offer Inside.

Enter to win a $1,000,000 Luxury Yerushalayim Apartment! Limited: Double Offer Inside.

October 12, 2020 Comments Off on Enter to win a $1,000,000 Luxury Yerushalayim Apartment! Limited: Double Offer Inside.
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May the new year be full of dreams.

Material ambitions:

  • An apartment

In Yerushalayim

Overlooking Har HaBayis.

Spiritual ambitions:

  • To make a life-altering difference

For real people

Some, just like yourself.


The Dream Raffle enables a rare guarantee – to change hundreds of lives.

Like the brave Jewish farmers on Gaza and Syrian borders who live in constant dread of losing their livelihoods, health, and houses thanks to missiles and fire balloons from their friendly neighbors.

Or the Search and Rescue team, ready and trained for every eventuality, facing horror, fear, and anguish on a daily basis.

Or Charedi Special Education centers around Israel, working tirelessly to make sure special needs and religious needs aren’t mutually exclusive.


Can you help us fund, build, and maintain these projects?

Only in your dreams.

Click here to dream big in your new, beautifully decorated, perfectly situated $1,000,000 apartment.

Help widows and orphans, youth at risk, unaffiliated Jews, farmers, anti-terror patrols, developmentally delayed children, and more – while giving yourself a chance to win the apartment of your dreams in Jerusalem.


Think you’ll never win? Think again.

2 families have already won apartments in Yerushalayim by donating to the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation and purchasing tickets to the Dream Raffle.

There’s never been a better time to make aliyah. Home is the place we long for in hard times.

According to the Jerusalem Post and Israel Today, aliyah interest has risen dramatically in the past few months. The experts predict that in the coming year, requests will double!

Will you be on that plane?

For a limited time only, double your raffle tickets – and your chances for a new home in the Arnona neighborhood in Yerushalayim overlooking the most sacred spot on earth.


Here’s to a new year complete with the realization of combined dreams.

Their dreams – Dreams of security and restful nights, food on the table, religious education.

Your dreams – Dreams of becoming a provider to those who have nowhere else to turn – along with a flawless new place to call home.


Provide for those in need, and may Hashem repay you in His currency – health and abundance for the coming year.

Your new year’s dreams – made possible by The Dream Raffle.


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