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Home > Uncategorized > Grab the Zechusim Before Time Runs Out!

Grab the Zechusim Before Time Runs Out!

September 20, 2023 Comments Off on Grab the Zechusim Before Time Runs Out!

Yom Kippur is just days away.

Time is short as we move through the Aseres Yemei Teshuva and search for zechusim that will tip the scales in favor of a year of life, success, health and happiness.

Time is short for Torah Umesorah’s Chinuch TUesday campaign.

The zechus of partnering in the chinuch of Klal Yisroel’s children is enormous – our students are our future!  And supporting the chinuch of our children means supporting Torah Umesorah.

TU’s impact is enormous. I850 schools, 25,000 teachers, 360,000 students. – and the impact continues to grow by leaps and bonds. In every facet and aspect of chinuch, from diversifying educational methods for students to training mashgichim to providing educational resources for classroom use – the list is endless – Torah Umesorah is there, assisting, supporting, helping our schools succeed, our teachers succeed, and, most importantly, our children succeed.

As the clock winds down on TU’s $10 million campaign, Sheer Dedication, Torah Umesorah needs YOUR Sheer Dedication for our children, our chinuch, our future, so that Torah Umesorah can continue empowering the Sheer Dedication of our educators.

The clock is ticking. Time is short. Don’t miss this opportunity. Partner with Torah Umesorsh NOW.


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