Help Our Brothers & Sisters That Are Victims Of Hurricane Sandy
We are all aware of the recent storm that hit the east-coast exactly one week ago, and has left untold damage and devastation in many of our local communities. While some of us suffered or are still suffering without electric and heating (or internet & phone service), many of our brethren were hit much worse. In communities such as Seagate, Long Island, Five Towns, Far Rockaway and beyond many people have lost their homes and all their belongings from the waves and flooding, many have no way of getting onto their feet from this disaster on their own. Here are 3 reputable funds that were setup in order to raise the money for these families who now find themselves without a roof above their head. I hope you will join in this effort and assist them as much as possible in a time of need.
Seagate Hurricane Emergency Fund
Achiezer Community Resource Center