In What Magazines & Where Can We Sign Up To Get Coupons To Save On Diapers from Amazon?
The question i get most is “in what magazines and were can i sign up to get coupons to save on diapers from Amazon?” This is a email i got last night from one reader,
“Thank you for the coupon you emailed me so i can get the pampers for less than $20 on Amazon. I would like to know in what magazines and were can i sign up to get these coupons?”
There are 4 magazines that had the coupons to save on diapers from Amazon
Parents and Parenting Magazines
Parents magazine and Parenting magazine these two magazines cost money to sign up to. I usually write a post when they are on sale.
Baby Talk and American Baby Magazines
Then there is Baby Talk magazine and American Baby magazine that also had coupons in them and you can sign up to get a free subscription.(American Baby had it in only 1 or 2 issues, Baby Talk had it in the last 3 issues. I don’t know if future issues are going to have these coupons)
Click here to get a free subscription to American Baby Magazine.
Click here to get a free subscription to Baby Talk Magazine.