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Home > ADVERTISEMENT > Your Brother, With Love, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein

Your Brother, With Love, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein

May 10, 2020 Comments Off on Your Brother, With Love, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein
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Now is a unique time in history to be a kallah. On the one hand, weddings are simpler than ever. On the other hand, people all over the world are struggling financially. Brides and grooms still need a simple dress, food for sheva brachos, basic items for their first home. Unfortunately, even these basic expenses are out of their reach. This is especially true for 18 individuals whose stories recently came to the attention of Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein. These 18 young men & women have two things in common: They are getting married in the coming weeks, and they have lost a parent. True, they long for luxuries such as silverware or linens, or a pair of shoes to wear to their chuppah. What they long for most of all, however, is for their deceased parent to be with them on their special day. It is truly sad.

Rav Zilberstein has stepped up to give them comfort, by releasing the following letter to the Jewish People:

“To my dear brothers,

18 orphans are getting married.

This act of tzedakah has the ability to forestall many troubles, especially this terrible coronavirus plague.

May the Father of orphans, and Judge of widows save all those who donate. And I, bli neder, will daven at the grave of the Chazon Ish for salvation and comfort for all the donors.

Your brother, with love,

Yitzchok Zilberstein”

The coronavirus may have changed the face of simchas, but the mitzvah of hachnasas kallah is as important as ever. Those who are able to join Rav Zilberstein by helping these couples can add their names to his prayer list here for a limited time.



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