Over 12,000 Women Around The World Have Joined This Initiative. JOIN TODAY!
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Bonei Olam’s candle lighting initiative harnesses the unique power that Jewish women possess while lighting their Shabbos candles.
By donating $1 at candle lighting every week, 18,000 women will sponsor the $18,000 treatment for a couple awaiting a child of their very own.
Bonei Olam Vzakeini from Bonei Olam Vzakeini Bo on Vimeo.
When a couple finds out that they can’t have children on their own, it’s painful. But when they realize that access to thousands of dollars is the new challenge they must face, it can make them feel hopeless.
M.D. and P.D. felt a blow when they learned that the only way for them to have children would be through difficult fertility treatments. But they felt crushed when they heard the price tag. They couldn’t afford it and parenthood looked like the impossible.
Enter Bonei Olam, the only fertility organization whose mission is to provide the means or resources necessary for childless couples to pursue medical fertility treatment.
P.D. called Bonei Olam and Rabbi Bochner came on the phone:
“Have you heard of our 18,000 women initiative? Women donate $1 each and they pray at candle lighting for our couples. Each week we donate the money raised to one childless couple’s treatment. You will be the recipients of this week’s funds.”
One phone call and there was hope again.
This week, Rabbi Bochner called Sara and Moshe to let them know they will be receiving eight thousand dollars towards their treatment.
For M.D. and P.D., their impossible dream is now within reach.
P.D. shares, “I have no words to describe the feeling of support I have knowing that 8,000 women are standing behind us as we move towards our dream of parenthood.”
*names changed to protect privacy