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Home > ADVERTISEMENT > Hundreds will be learning in the z’chus of our singles. Submit names today!

Hundreds will be learning in the z’chus of our singles. Submit names today!

January 9, 2021 Comments Off on Hundreds will be learning in the z’chus of our singles. Submit names today!
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Together for Shidduchim

We are all looking for are ways to help those that are looking for their bashert. We try to redt more shidduchim, we try to facilitate singles meeting and we daven.

For the fourth year running, Shas for Shidduchim is leading the way in helping our singles. Shas for Shidduchim is a day of Torah learning and achdus that gives you the opportunity to gather real z’chusim.

How does it work?

  1. Sponsor the learning in honor of a single.
  2. Lomdim gather on Tu B’Shvat to learn their portion.
  3. Shas is completed in 24 hours.
  4. A z’chus for you and the singles of Klal Yisrael!

The support of Torah learning in an of itself creates a z’chus for the sponsor, the single and the lomed. Since its inception, the Shas For Shidduchim national initiative has directly impacted hundreds of Shidduchim.

Here is a real testimonial:

“Lichvod Rabbi Fuerst and Chicago Chesed Fund,

I just wanted to let you know that the main reason why I came to this event was for z’chus for a friend of mine who is 33 years old and BORUCH HASHEM, last night was his L’Chaim.

May we continue to hear good news from all the singles.” ~C.G.*

Sponsoring Torah learning is a real way to create. Be part of this incredible event and IY”H Klal Yisrael will see many yeshuos b’karov!

Sponsor a daf in z’chus of a single.


P.S. You can submit up to 5 names for each sponsorship!

All proceeds go towards helping with shidduch challenges.

*Names have been changed to maintain privacy.

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