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Why Is The Agudah Relief Fund Different?

November 2, 2023 Comments Off on Why Is The Agudah Relief Fund Different?
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Their lives have been upended. 

That’s the reality for thousands of families from the north and south of Eretz Yisroel right now. In one life-shattering day, they went from settled families to wandering, aching evacuees – people who lost their homes and their incomes and were suddenly searching for a place to live and food for their next meal. As their daily lives were ripped from beneath their feet and their neighborhoods transformed into war zones, these displaced families, our brothers who are refugees in their own country, are struggling with basics.

Basics, as in a place to live, a home for their families, cooking utensils and food and toys for their children. Basics, as in shabbos necessities, Sefarim, and tefillin. Basics, as in funds to cover day-to-day expenses. Their familiar belongings have been left behind and they cannot just return home to get what they need. Amidst the chaos and with no idea how long they’d be gone, these families fled without basic and necessary items.

The days and weeks are passing and the struggle is rising. We must help our brothers! Since Simchas Torah, we all wonder, where are the thousands of displaced families living? Where and what they are eating, or how they are providing for their children?

The answers aren’t easy to hear. Some of them are in rented apartments that must be paid for, others are being put up in hotels and hostels and are eating in public soup kitchens. They need funds to cover their expenses, and we must come together as one to patch the gaping holes in their lives. 

While we cannot return them to their homes, we can wrap them in the comforting embrace of a nation that cares. We can provide for their needs, and give them the necessary funds to live their lives and support their families.

Agudas Yisroel is heeding the call of the Gedolim. Backed by the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, we have launched a fund to help displaced Yidden. Your donation will directly help thousands of families with day-to-day expenses, and will unite Klal Yisroel during this difficult time.

Please help Agudas Yisroel help those who have nowhere else to turn!

Every Yid has been shaken to his core.

With rattled minds and broken hearts, we yearn to help acheinu bnei Yisroel, the yidden and families whose lives have been directly shattered by the tragic events that unfolded in Eretz Yisroel.

We hear the stories and our hearts tug. 

Thousands of families have been torn from their homes. Thousands of families have witnessed or experienced unbearable pain. Thousands of Yidden are refugees in their own land. They’ve lost the places they call home and the ability to provide for their children.

How can we not feel their pain, their helplessness and suffering?

We are one nation with one heart and we want to help.

What can we do? As American Yidden, how can we ease the suffering of our displaced brothers?

We can donate generously to relief funds. But we’ve all been bombarded with pleas for donations. How is anyone supposed to verify which requests are legitimate, and which collections will directly help those who are most in need?

The answer lies with the one relief fund that is backed by the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, the relief fund launched by Agudas Yisroel.

Agudas Yisroel identified the group of acheinu whose needs are not yet being met, and with the full support of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, they embarked on a mission to provide immediate and long term relief to families who are lacking the very basics of daily living.

The lives of our brothers in Eretz Yisroel will never be the same, but with your help we can ease their daily suffering and give them the strength and the means to move forward.

Heed the call of our gedolim who are pleading with us to help families whose lives have been torn apart. Join Agudas Yisroel and directly impact Yidden who have been ripped from their homes. Together we can support them in their pain, and together we can lift them back up.

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