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Home > ADVERTISEMENT > Have You Joined V’zakeini Yet? 53,000 Women Are Davening Every Week—Join Before Yom Tov!

Have You Joined V’zakeini Yet? 53,000 Women Are Davening Every Week—Join Before Yom Tov!

October 2, 2024 Comments Off on Have You Joined V’zakeini Yet? 53,000 Women Are Davening Every Week—Join Before Yom Tov!
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It’s happening every Friday night.

Over 50,000 Women from

around the globe.

Welcoming in the Shabbos.

Helping add more light to the world.

They each donate a dollar-just one dollar- every week.

And whisper a tefillah-just one tefillah-on Erev Shabbos.

Yet, collectively, we’re experiencing wonders.


As the Yamim Noraim approach, selichos begin, the shofar cries.

We ready and we prep and we pray for a good year.

If we can see outside our own personal pleas, and see the yearning of others, Hashem will look and see yours as well.

On February 28, 2020, Bonei Olam launched the V’zakeini Initiative, a program where 18,000 women began helping couples struggling with infertility together, by donating $1 a week at candle-lighting every Friday and Erev Yom Tov towards their $18,000 treatment, and davening for that couple’s success.

The numbers kept growing and we are now helping more than one couple each week to fund their treatment, with over 53,000 global members.


From the Vzakeini Inbox

“Being part of Vzakeini made me more aware of how many couples have trouble with infertility, and seeing their letters every week makes it more real. I am so much more thankful to Hashem that I didn’t have to wait long at all to become pregnant.”

“Once a week, I take the time to stop and try to fully connect at the Shabbos Licht; I start my Tefillos with a Bakasha for someone else. A sister somewhere out there, whom I may or may not know.

Doesnt that melt a Father’s heart?

Only then, do i daven for myself & my family. The feeling is just awesome. We are a Klal, and another women’s pain, is my pain too.  thank you for giving me the zchus to be a part of it.”

“I love davening for the couples from my calendar and my daughters say the names as well. I brought it to my recent labor and davened for them in my hospital room.”

“Before Shabbos, my husband writes the names on a paper, which I place next to my candles. After Shabbos, as I put the candles away, I take the paper and recite Tehillim, mentioning the names once more. I believe that even after candle lighting, additional tefilos can’t hurt. I feel connected to the struggles of these couples and want to ask Hashem for a yeshua one more time before disposing of the paper. This practice also reminds me to daven for others I know who are awaiting children. May Hashem answer all our tefillos and grant yeshuas to those seeking to build their families!”

“It was quite some time after my wedding, and i wanted to have a baby so badly. When I saw the Vzakeini ad, I signed up as a Zechus that I shouldn’t have to use Bonei Olam’s services. The very next month I got pregnant with my beautiful child bh!”

“I joined Vzakeini as a zchus for my sister in law who was married 4+ years at the time, and had not been blessed with children yet, as well as a close friend of mine, who had been suffering from secondary infertility for 18 years.

Baruch Hashem, my sister-in-law’s adorable son, is now 9 months old, and my close friend gave birth to a healthy baby boy this week, joining his 19-year-old brother.

Thank you so much, Vzakeini, for giving me the zchus to help others and join in this incredible movement!”

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