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For nearly 80 years, Torah Umesorah has been a cornerstone of Klal Yisroel’s chinuch. What began as a quest to rebuild after the destruction of European Jewry has evolved into today’s mission of bringing the highest-quality chinuch to a network of over 850 schools.
Chinuch Back Then
The chinuch of yesteryear was simple, yet deeply-rooted in unbroken mesorah, simple emunah, and yiras Shamayim. Despite limited resources, its purity laid the foundation for the chinuch we cherish today.
Chinuch These Days
Chinuch today is rich with innovation, understanding, and nuance. Smart Boards have replaced chalkboards, and teachers are equipped not just with knowledge, but with a profound sensitivity to their students’ individual needs. Mental health awareness, specialized learning modalities, and inclusive strategies are reshaping the classroom. Still, the challenges our children face on a daily basis are unprecedented, with pervasive distractions and influences unlike anything we’ve ever experienced.
Celebrating Chinuch
It’s nothing short of extraordinary that, in an age of overwhelming materialism and spiritual distractions, hundreds of thousands of Jewish children are acquiring a well-rounded, meaningful, and enduring chinuch. The unrelenting dedication of Torah Umesorah in suppporting schools, training top educators, and continuously adapting to the evolving needs of our communities is what makes it all happen.
Now, It’s Your Turn
TODAY, December 23, join Torah Umesorah’s Charidy campaign and become a part of this incredible legacy. Your support ensures that the chinuch of today remains accessible, impactful, and unwavering for generations to come.
Together, let’s celebrate the chinuch of our children.
Donate now at and be a part!